Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why are Indian students being targeted in Australia?

I have lived in Melbourne for over seven years and there is no doubt that the situation has changed for Indians here. Denying racism in Australia is like denying casteism and dowry in India. But there is more to this issue then just blaming the Australian government.
I would like to define the term which has been used again and again, “Indian students”. Who are these students and how are so many of them here all of a sudden? When we talk of overseas students, what comes to mind are students of engineering, bio-physics, medicine, MBA, PhD or some research work.
But this is not the case here. Unlike in the US or Britain, the majority of Indian students in Australia are enrolled in vocational courses in hospitality, cookery, hair design etc. I am sure this comes as a surprise to many, as it did to India’s foreign minister on his recent visit.
International students are worth $13 billion to the Australian economy each year. After coal and iron ore, education is the country’s third biggest industry.
But Australia was not a popular destination for Indian students until education here was linked to permanent residency.
Most come here to get residency and the easiest way to do so is by enrolling as a student in some course. There has been a significant increase in the number of vocational colleges and students, especially Indian students whose number grew a whooping 161 percent in 2006 and 94 percent in 2008.
Indians were 31 percent of the new admissions in Australian universities in 2008, according to the umbrella body Australian Education International.
There are people who lure students into this immigration racket via the vocational colleges. These agents promise them permanent residency and provide them admission in the cookery institutions run mostly by Indian or other Asians. They also provide them services of migration agent or lawyers, again mostly Indians.
These institutions are like cattle markets. In a class meant for 100 there are intakes of 500 students. Recently quite a few of these privately run institutes have been shut down by the government. There have been many cases where false documents were provided to get admission and later residency.
As a result, visa applications from India are now scrutinised more rigorously by immigration authorities, who have rejected 33.2 percent of the 21,120 student visa applications from India between July 1 and Oct 31, 2009, a considerable rise from 6.5 percent in the same period in 2008.
Most of the Indian students in these vocational courses come from villages and small towns, having taken large loans for the purpose and hoping to recoup the money by earning in Australia after gaining permanent residence rights.
From day one they start looking for work. They work as taxis drivers, in laundries, as security guards, petrol pump attendants and in call centres. Most of them are night jobs.
The desperate Indian students get the worst shifts and in shady locations. Being new in Australia, they don’t know which suburbs to avoid. While going for the night shifts they catch the last train, bus or tram. And they become easy targets. Muggers know Indians, being new to the country, are less likely to resist.
Also, a lot of Indian students don’t retaliate due to the fear that a police case might hamper their chance to get residency.
Friday and Saturday nights the crowds on the streets are high on alcohol and drugs and not at all friendly crowd. The Indian students have to deal with them in convenience stores, as security guards and taxi drivers.
There are also groups of teenagers of local and different ethnicity roaming the streets with pack mentality. They are always in good numbers and look for easy targets and assault innocent victims for sheer fun and to prove their machismo to their peers.
Even the cops stay away from them. There have been instances of abuse and assault on cops too. Indian students are among their easiest targets. The recent attack in Melbourne on the eve of Australia Day Jan 26 was by a group of four-six Asian teenagers.
So we can see the chain reaction: – billion dollar education business – mushroom growth in shady vocational training institutes to make quick bucks – poor loan-burdened Indian students desperate for work picking up risky jobs – easy targets.
The world is no different from a class room. The more you cry, the more you are bullied. Now it has become a fashion to assault Indian students. The more we react the more we become the victim. For the locals, bashing an Indian make them overnight sensations and they enjoy all the publicity and hype in the media. Even if they are arrested and charged the damage is already done.
But I am hopeful things will change, once the immigration slows down.

2years to go…The world will come to an end.

December 21st 2012, the date which is going on our minds as it is reaching nearer and nearer. That we all know that something is going to be happening on December 21st 2012 which might takes us to the end of the world. But, is it really going to be end of the world? If it so, what might be happen on that day? All these questions might be going  in the minds of all at one time or the other.
2012Based on the ancient Mayan calendar which seems to be more accurate in terms of astrology was said that in the year of 2012, the Earth will experience disasters ranging from massive earthquakes and tsunamis to nuclear reactor meltdowns. Even there were great mathematicians, who claimed that they were able to point out the exact day and time that the world will end in the future, and that is on August 13th 2012, the final day of the Mayan calendar.
The Mayan Calendar is above all a prophetic calendar that may help us understand the past and foresee the future. It is a calendar of the Ages that describes how the progression of Heavens and Underworlds condition the human consciousness and thus the frames for our thoughts and actions with in a given Age.
What might be the real? Is it on December 21st 2012 or on August 13th 2012? Who ever knows but both the scientific as well as religious beliefs are prevailing in the minds of the people on this issue. The science, technology and the scientists behind this are saying that the Hyperspace that contain our Universe is also showing signs that something strange is happening in our universe. Even it was said that the global and solar polar reversal peaks are coming with in three weeks of that day, December 21, 2012.But according to some scientists it is possible that another Universe is slowly starting to claim in our physical Universe. And according to religious beliefs they believe the earth will be destroyed or cleansed by the wrong-doers and those that believe in their God will be saved or brought to heaven.
The astronomer Philip Plait has stated very clearly that the Mayan calendar does not end in 2012 at all, that is like the odometer on your car, as each section of the odometer reaches 9 and then clicks over to 0, the next number to it starts a new cycle, so that when all the numbers again reach 0 all the way across the odometer – the last number will change from 1 to 2 and the new cycle starts all over again.
University of Florida anthropologist Susan Gillespie says that the 2012 phenomenon comes “from media and from other people making use of the Maya past to fulfill agendas that are really their own.”
Psychedelic drug booster Daniel Pinchbeck, “My feeling of 2012 is that we don’t know what is going to be .So rather than looking at it as a Doomsday, we can see it as an opportunity to evolve and become more creative and more intelligent as a species on the planet and use the skills and technical capacities we have to engage in a very deep work transformation”.
Evangely Phelps said that 2012, what is all the hype about? Why is 2012 dubbed as the year of when the world and everything on it will cease to exist? I am not sure why or how it started until now. According to the Mayan Calendar the world will come to an end and why would you say? I have done some investigating to hopefully prove the Mayans wrong. I have also discovered how some people of the American society are making this bigger than it really is. Personally, I don’t think anything is going to happen and life will go on but here is what I have found.
Doing some research, I have discovered that there were many different Mayan Calendars. Some were used for social, agricultural, commercial and administrative tasks but had a heavy religious element to them although our calendars today are only for social, agricultural and economic views – the religious part is not a priority in our calendar system.
The Mayans then combined two calendars to make one, The Calendar Round. The Calendar Round was based on thirteen and twenty base units. The purpose of this calendar was to make it a long term calendar that had 365 days in one solar year and would last for only 5126 years. The reason why the Calendar Round is so significant in the year 2012 is because the 5126 years ends on the date of December 21, 2012. This is where all the hype of the world ending is coming from, this one date of the Mayan Calendar Round. Another phenomenon that is making society more conscious of the date December 21, 2012 is the movie 2012.
According to the Hyderabad Computer Model, Magnetic Pole reversal happens which is a process where the North Pole and South Pole reverse their positions. When this happens, at some point of time Earth’s magnetic field reaches zero where the Earth’s Magnetic power will be weaken and Cosmic Radiation from Sun will increase many folds making radiation hazards like cancer and so on unavoidable can cause the serious problems which include immune system of all the creatures on the earth might be going to weak; the earth’s crust will going to see the volcanoes, earthquakes and landslides. However, in a simple word it is said that by 2012 earth may not be suitable for human society to live. If this model is true, the only way for us to survive will be to take our civilization well below the Earth’s crust or move to another planet.
With the growth of conspiracy-theories, the level of suspicion and disbelief has grown too. But if there is a good probability that something could happen in your lifetime, there is nothing wrong in preparing for it. Any natural disorder can be faced with a sharp mind and able body, as long as you get the right information ahead of time. Even though many theories and interpretations said about what they find, the only thing that’s certain about the end of the world is that no one can know and are sure that what will happen in the coming future. It may come just like death which is uncertain and we don’t know the time of it. But people undoubtedly continue to think about when this world will comes to an end.

In death more than life Jackson dominated showbiz

It was supposed to be the year of his greatest comeback and maybe in some ways it was. But along the way, the saga of Michael Jackson’s tragic demise became the biggest showbiz story of 2009.
michaelIt was a Hollywood parable of excess and eccentricity, of genius and weakness. But most of all it was the sad tale of a strange but brilliant man-child trapped in the glare of a celebrity-obsessed world.

Jackson started 2009 a shadow of his former self – a man who many believed was on an irreversible downward spiral. It had been years since he had released any significant music. But he still made headlines with reports of his impending financial ruin and bizarre state of mind.All that changed in March when Jackson, 45, announced that he would perform an unprecedented 50-appearance comeback engagement at London’s 02 Arena.

If it went well, the London gig would solve all the problems and dispel all the doubts about the former King of Pop. But few outside his most loyal circle of fans and advisors believed he had the mental and physical strength to complete the arduous challenge.

So when the first reports came in June 25 that Jackson had collapsed at his rented Bel Air mansion and been rushed to hospital, initial speculation was that it was a Jackson gambit to extricate himself from a challenge he was too frail to meet.

But within hours those suspicions turned to shock when it was revealed that Jackson was dead. In Los Angeles thousands of fans gathered at the hospital where Jackson’s body lay, at the house where he collapsed and at his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Across the world millions of other fans took to the streets to mourn. All were asking the same questions: How did he die? Was he really set to perform in London? And was the former King of Pop really on the verge of bankruptcy?

By now many of those questions have been answered. The coroner’s report found that Jackson’s death was caused by an overdose of the hospital anaesthetic propofol administered to him by his personal physician Murray Conrad. The case is still under investigation.

The release of the documentary movie “This Is It”, gleaned from rehearsal footage for the London tour, appeared to corroborate the assertions of his advisers and producers that Jackson had created an amazing show and that he seemed energized and capable of handling the gruelling schedule.

Information about his estate revealed meanwhile that despite a mountain of debt, the Jackson business empire was a financial powerhouse that was generating huge amounts of cash – for example, from the rights he held to much of The Beatles repertoire.

Ironically, with the huge public interest that followed his death, Jackson’s business empire became even stronger. The three best-selling albums in the US in the weeks after his death were all Michael Jackson CD’s. Demand was so strong that many stores ran out of stock.

Meanwhile “This Is It” was one of the most successful movies of the year, and one of the most successful concert movies of all time, earning some $200 million at the worldwide box office.

If Jackson’s death marked the emotional low point of the entertainment year, the box office and Oscar victories for “Slumdog Millionaire” were surely the high points. Director Danny Boyle’s Indian rags-to-riches tale won eight Oscars and earned over $350 million at the worldwide box office in what was widely seen as a unique achievement for world cinema.

Otherwise, it was a humdrum year for Hollywood as most of the biggest movies of the year were sequels, headed most famously by “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”, which earned a whopping $140 million on its opening US weekend.

It remains to be seen whether the movie “Avatar” can claim the top box office spot of the year. The long-awaited film from Titanic director James Cameron, released Dec 18, was 14 years and a record $300 million in the making – investments of time and money into a brand new 3D camera and screening system.

Movie studios are touting the new system as a paradigm-shifting cinematic moment, on par with the introduction of sound and colour. If they are right, “Avatar” may even eclipse Michael Jackson to become the most significant entertainment story of 2009.